Tuesday, March 20, 2012


(While once again the dropped-jaw Judicial
and Legislative branches look on helplessly.)

President Obama just signed (March 16) The National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order. More nonsense based on the idea that the powers that shouldn't be can rob you of anything you own, as long as one of their false flag incidents "triggers" it, under their never-ending amount of "national security" excuses.

Well, you have to remember that the pressure is on for the UFO alien/United Nations/globalist bums to try stealing everything they can before December 21, 2012.

Because that's when they have to take off to their foreign islands with their ill-gotten loot, after faking us out of position as much as possible. Don't fall for it, folks!

NATURAL NEWS - - "We told ya so" just doesn't quite cut it anymore.

As the American sheeple slept, selfishly refusing to take a stand against tyranny, the Obama administration has been plotting what can only be called a total government takeover of America.

On March 16, 2012, President Obama issued an executive order entitled, "NATIONAL DEFENSE RESOURCES PREPAREDNESS." (

This executive order states that the President alone has the authority to take over all resources in the nation (labor, food, industry, etc.) as long as it is done "to promote the national defense" -- a phrase so vague that it could mean practically anything.

The power to seize control and take over these resources is delegated to the following government authorities:

(1) the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to food resources, food resource facilities, livestock resources, veterinary resources, plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment and commercial fertilizer;

(2) the Secretary of Energy with respect to all forms of energy;

(3) the Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to health resources;

(4) the Secretary of Transportation with respect to all forms of civil transportation;

(5) the Secretary of Defense with respect to water resources; and

(6) the Secretary of Commerce with respect to all other materials, services, and facilities, including construction materials.

This takeover is designed, in part, to "stockpile supplies" for the U.S. military. Authority for this total takeover of all national resources is granted with nothing more than the writing of a single statement that claims these actions are necessary to "promote the national defense."

As stated in the order:

the authority delegated by section 201 of this order may be used only to support programs that have been determined in writing as necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense:

(a) by the Secretary of Defense with respect to military production and construction, military assistance to foreign nations, military use of civil transportation, stockpiles managed by the Department of Defense, space, and directly related activities.

What all this means is that the U.S. government now claims the power to simply march onto your farm with guns drawn and demand all your crops, seeds, livestock and farm equipment.

Think I'm exaggerating? Read it yourself!

And for those living in denial who refuse to accept the reality of what's happening in America, remember the following:

When NaturalNews reported on the existence of the NDAA, we were told our reporting was misleading because Obama opposed it and wouldn't sign it.

When Obama betrayed America and signed the bill, we were told our reporting was misleading because "it didn't apply to Americans."

When Obama admitted it did apply to Americans, he announced that he would choose "not to use it on Americans" but only by the grace of his restraint. Nobody who previously accused us of misleading the public had the integrity to offer us an apology and say, "Gee, you were right, it DOES apply to Americans!"

Now Obama has seized control over all food, farms, livestock, water and transportation across America. How many brain-dead Americans will continue to live in denial and try to convince themselves this is not happening? Sticking your head in the sand does not make this go away...

Learn more:!/RealAlexJones

First Uploaded by:
TheAlexJonesChannel on YouTube, Mar 20, 2012
Origiinal Headline:
Obama Seizes Control
Over All Food Production
Under Executive Order:
Mike Adams Reports


Jones runs down some of the things already covered by the
top video on this post, plus he throws in a few other goodies.